Sunday, November 05, 2006

Rio de Janeiro, Rains and Oracle

Hi all,

I've needed to coming to Rio de Janeiro for migrate and tunning one Plone Site 2.0.5 to Plone 2.5.1 . It's a nice job, unless the problems... how many.. :-)

This part of the Rio de Janeiro City (cinelandia) is very poor and ugly, badly smell and others... If Rio De Janeiro all was thus, would say that it is very bad

I waited to take off one day or half day of recess to take a sun, but nothing... Rain is stronger!!! Rain, Rain, Rain.................... nobody deserves.

At least the bar it had roof and it gave to take beers :-) ehehehhe

My Friends of Serpro (where i came to work) they had shown some cool places to lunch and drink. Thanks Giusseppe!

But the headache of this week is the Oracle Database!!!! Make me lose four days trying to configure it to work with ODBC in Linux! arghhhhhhhh

Murfi: I hate you! :-) hehehe

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My First Blog

Hi All,

This is my first Blog! I have a site ( only in portuguese, and my objective is write for both, in portuguese and in english. Anyway, my english is not so good (i'm learnig...), so, don't kick my english! ehehehehe

I will write a lot of technical informations, and write to my job: PLONE!

Yes, i'm a Plone Developer, and i love to do this.

I hope you enjoy the informations in my blog!

Fabio Rizzo